What's Happening?
Al-Jumu'ah Services
Al-Jumu'ah Services - Fridays @1:00 P.M.
Open for 5 Prayers Daily
Board of Directors Meeting - 1st. Sunday from 10 -11:00 A.M.
Community Business Meeting - 1st. Sunday from 11:00 -1:00 P.M.
Board of Directors & Community Business Meetings
The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Whomever gives food to a fasting person with which to break his fast, will have a reward equal to his, without it detracting in the slightest from the reward of the fasting person" (Hadith-al-Tirmidhi)
Iftar - Every Thursday after Magrib prayer.
Our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) said, "Whoever visits a sick person (for the pleasure of Allah), a Caller from the skies announces: You are indeed blessed and your walking is blessed and you have (by this noble act) built yourself a home in Jannah." (Ibn Maajah)
Please remember to visit our pioneers and keep them in your prayers.
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